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Brunch in Chablis

Full price 19€
Place Chablis
Duration 3h
Tasting Brucnh
Audience Tout public
Language Français

A Brunch in Chablis?

Are you a fan of brunches? The Cité offers a brand-new board-style brunch format.

There’s no better way to enjoy a lazy morning than by visiting our site and having a delightful meal at Le Ponti’Bar for a true indulgent experience.

Date : May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd, September 7th, October 5th


At the Cité in Chablis
1 bis rue de Chichée, 89000 Chablis

  • €19 full price
  • The first Sunday of each month, starting May 4th, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
  • For families, couples, or friends